Thursday, March 13, 2014

I'm a weirdo...

"Hello, my name is Amber and I am a weirdo!" 

This morning I woke up, each day getting more and more used to the new time change, and my first thought was my doctor's appointment set for tomorrow morning.  I feel the familiar fluttering of little butterflies: I am excited.  Excited for a doctor's appointment.

I was not this girl before.  I really hated going to the doctors.  The smell of the rooms, the waiting around, the magazines...actually, I still hate the magazines - I never touch them - they creep me out (especially the "Highlights" children magazine - I give those ones the stink eye). 

Now, I am the weirdo who gets excited for a doctors appointment.  Hey, it's been a long time since I've seen a white coat - I am almost getting withdrawals!  The last year has been a whirlwind of doctorate degrees and if I had to average it out over the last 12 months I have probably been to an appointment of some sort twice a month...maybe even three times in some cases.  So, yeah - I miss those smartasses. 

This appointment tomorrow will be with my new primary care.  I have an HMO now, so I gotta see my PCP first and foremost and then have him refer me to a Dermatologist, Oncologist (which I may ask the dermatologist for his opinion), Gastroenterologist and finally an OBGYN.  I have a lot of shit coming up!  I am due for my annual lady parts exam, I am overdue on my 3 month derm appointment and I am 5 months overdue for my 6 month follow up with Dr. Surgeon.

The sad part is I won't be able to see any of the doctors that I have been seeing over the last 12 months.  The happy part is that I have insurance and I will be meeting new doctors.  As I wrote that I actually grimaced that I am excited about meeting new doctors...I'm telling you, I'm a weirdo.... I guess getting the chance to tell my story to a set of ears is sort of exciting... the possibility of new tests. 


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